
About Me

Hello, I' m Harkishen Singh, pursuing Bachelor of Technology degree in Computer Science and Engineering at College of Engineering and Technology.
I have an immense love for CSE and can go to any extend to explore it.
My AIR JEE Mains Rank was 21241, score of 161/360 and JEE Advance Rank was 20553 at a score of 147/366.
I was given an option of CSE NIT Silchar. Later on, I had been offered BTech. in Electronics and Instrumentation at NIT Rourkela. But I was not ready for it as i had made myself up for CSE at all costs.

I find myself lucky to be a part of CET CSE family, and a very active member at Zairza Tech Scoiety .



This application Encrypts any document name entered. It uses one-time-Pad Technique which is nearly impossible to crack. It uses 16-bit encryption process, followed by its binary form, making it even tough to crack. For the present, only Encoder has been developed. Decorder is under development.
Further, an GUI version of this software is in development and is expected to be released soon.


Spectrum Website was developed by me on Dec, 2017, in my First Semesters.It was Handed over to the then Converner Respected Mr. Pritish Pradhan, BTech in Instrumentation and Electronics.


With the increasing influence of Online Cab services, the owners of the cab may find the maintainance of their record diffuclt. For their comfort, this application has been designed.
What this application does is, it miantains the entire record of the ride and the history in a LOG file and perform various calcuations over it -- like calculating the gross income, GST, company fee charge, checking whether the Bill calculated by the company is correct or not. It can also be used to cross point out the false bills.

Lining Sentence

This is rather a simple, but handy application which converts an entire uni-line texted document into individual lines starting with bullets or rather points, which would be easy to Debug. It could also be used to make notes by cnverting all one-line notes into bullet points.


This application is a web-based app for Encryption Engine, built on various tecchnologies, which would help to access it remotely.
Original Code of this was written in Python involving modern GUI conventions. Decryptor- web-based is under development.



This is a python app, primilarly developed for Linux system, which scans and gives the temperature of a particular city. GUI version of this is let to be released.
Currenty, it shows the temperature of cities within India.
A 5-day and hourly based weather forecast is under development, and is expected to be released soon.


This application develops a calendar, based on the required Month and Year inputs. It Supports GUI version. THis app doesnot conatin any limitations of +ve year and -ve year, it can calculate nearly, any month in the present century, and the next.
These features are lacked by many apps out there in the market.
The Core Code of the app has been developed by Sarthak Rout.
GUI design, arrangement and linking by Harkishen Singh.

Acedamin Record

This application is built over c++, was developed in my school days, though it contains certain code of UG level, like working with windows.h libraries. This was one of my first non-acedamic project.


This is a web app, designed to be used in Boys-Hostel of CET bbsr, which maintains the record of all meal in MongoDB, and creates a user based dashboard, shows their consumed timings, and helps to calculate the total cost of their food expense in the end of the week or month.

Agriculture based Research-- Data Analytics

This is, one of my first major Data Science projects, involving data mining from the agricultural government records, and by using Machine Learning algorithms, predict the output of the agricultural growth, based on Odisha.

Source Code of this cannot be made Public. Hence, no github link.

Simple Monitor - Contributor

Python Script, that monitors networks and processes.
I have solved some issues pertaining to the build version, as the program was developed for python 2, and was in development for python3.

GNOME Music, enhancing features

A music application, developed by Gnome Org. I contribute as addition of new features to the software. Presently, an extension is being added, which would enable the software to download the audio music right from the youtube, using its API.

Tic-Tac Visualisation - AI

An automated AI-based Tic-Tac game, using fixed start algorithm

Heap Sort Visualisation

An Educational Visualisation describing the implementation of Heap Sort Algorithm.

Jump Search Visualisation

An Educational Visualisation describing the implementation of Jump Search Sort Algorithm.

Simple Queue Visualisation Model

A Gui model, to visualize the working of a simple Queue operations, using React.

Simple Queue Visualisation

